Friday, August 27, 2010

Not A Dog Person: But cats never cease to amaze me. Our latest, Lucy, runs around the place like a lunatic when she has had a number 2. It's as if she is rejoicing at clearing her bowels by doing so.
I mentioned this to Mrs. B, who is aware of it, of course, and thought it would be funny if we humans did the same? Perhaps we would look out of the window, and Jeff, next door, would be running around the garden at full speed. Mrs. B and I could look at one another, and say: "Hmm, looks like Jeff's had a good clear-out!"
It means a great deal, and going every day, or not, appears to affect how we feel.
And there are those adverts we mentioned before, with the group of women who take the stool softening tablets. And the senna tablets when they can't go at all. And the other tablets when they have to go out but have an upset stomach, and need to solidify things.
We chaps either don't have these problems, or we don't let on that we do. At least not on TV adverts, anyway.
Can you imagine a blokes version of any of the above ads?
We've been here before, I know, but...