Monday, December 26, 2011

How It Happened: Fantasy author Terry Pratchett has been in the press, and the subject of a TV documentary, regarding his Alzheimers. In the TV doc, Terry wanted to learn about being euthanised, so he went to Switzerland, where it is legal to end your life early rather than suffer and lose one's dignity; for the price of £10,000.
In our Bournemouth Daily Echo, reporter Nicky Findlay wrote a feature about Cliff Richards, with due reference to Terry Pratchett, saying that should any of life's 'nasties' befall him, then he too would choose euthanasia.
Knowing Nicky from an earler feature when we met in Bournemouth, I jotted an email saying that most sufferers of a 'nasty' would choose the Terry Pratchett / Cliff Richards option, if they had the necessary £10 grand. Having MS (multiple sclerosis) since 1989, and now suffering its recent resurgence, it has become apparent that many know it to be one of life's 'nasties,' but not what it is.
So, the kindly Nicky asked if I would like to be part of a feature in the paper to inform people about this equally awful disability.

And if you had the Kindle for Xmas, and need a darned good budget-priced book to read, look no further -