Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Motorblog Now It's Raining: and the birds in the garden sound pretty happy about it, they've been queueing up to get a drink from the pond for a few weeks, so it's Gene Kelly time out there now.
My cousin, Richard, sent me a couple of jokes, one was about a couple arguing over who should make the tea/coffee when they get up in the morning. The wife was adamant it was the man's job, stating 'It says in the Bible men should do it!'
Of course, the husband protests and asks for proof.
The wife gets out the Good Book and points to the page headed HEBREWS.
Another one is a real life joke about a Vietnamese guy I used to work night's with, named Thanh, who went to Amsterdam with a friend to sample the grass. They sat in a cafe and smoked a joint each, looked at one another and laughed. Thanh said 'Dutch grass is over-rated! What are they taking about?' They walked out into the street and the effects hit them, Thanh said 'We couldn't fucking walk! Couldn't even find the fucking hotel!'